
A Math Expressions Membership for
 second grade teachers

Here is what's waiting for you inside of your
second grade Math Genius Squad Membership

First 10 Days of Lessons for Annual Members

Second grade teachers love being in The Squad!

The resources have been so helpful for online learning.  I have definitely grown in using quick practices  and daily routines now that I understand the reasoning for them.

Karla La Sorsa
2nd Grade Tchr, DE

The Squad helps me to prepare and set my perspective of the unit as a whole.  I have learned new ways to teach topics I feel I taught 100 times, but I now have new ways to explain it.  I was able to support my team as it gave us a common language.  We watch the unit review videos before we start and discuss new ideas and questions that come up.

Rachel Novotny
2nd Grade Teacher, MN

I have definitely learned how to dig into our new curriculum and meaningful ways to delve into math thinking.  I've enjoyed hearing your insight on what to focus on and how to make it manageable.

Rose Simones
2nd Grade Teacher, MN

This has helped me organize my content better for distance learning, providing tools and boards all prepared and ready for the lesson.

Kristin Wong
2nd Grade Teacher, CA

Membership Pricing

Doing a district, school, or other bulk enrollment? Contact us.
Paying with a purchase order?
Contact us.
Bulk pricing for groups of 8 or more
Site license options
Schools across a district can combine enrollments for largest bulk rate option.
PLC guides and implementation support available.

Annual - Pay at once


Per Year- Auto Renews

  • No initiation fee
  • Auto-Renews so no lapse in access to membership
  • Includes all Units 1-8. Get access to every unit for the year.  Receive access to all summer bonus trainings and book studies.
  • Includes First 10 Days of Lesson Plans Bonus Course/Activities
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 1-7
  • Access to summer book studies (online)
  • Includes Access to Private 2nd grade Facebook Group for Annual Math Genius Squad Members and Membership Site Community Group
  • Receive annual bonuses (example: Quick Start with Math Expressions course, Bonus Small Group Course, etc. Varies by year. Annual full payment members only.

Annual- Pay Monthly

$31/month for 12 months
+$15 one time initiation fee

Per Month

  • 12 Payments
  • Does not auto renew
  • Includes all Units 1-8. Get access to every unit for the year. Receive access to all summer bonus trainings and book studies.
  • Does not include First 10 days of lessons, must be purchased separately.
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 1-7
  • Access to summer book studies (online)
  • Includes Access to Private 2nd grade Facebook Group for Annual Math Genius Squad Members and Membership Site Community Group

6 Month Membership- SUMMER/FALL

$184/6 MONTHS

$10 initiation fee

  • Does not auto renew
  • Includes Units 1,2,3,4
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 1,2,3,4
  • Access site for 180 days.
  • Access to summer book studies (online)
  • Includes Access to Private 2nd grade Facebook Group for Annual Math Genius Squad Members  and Membership Site Community Group

6 Month Membership-

$184/6 MONTHS

$10 initiation fee

  • Does not auto renew
  • Includes Units 5,6,7
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 5,6,7
  • Access site for 180 days.
Includes Access to Private 2nd grade Facebook Group for Annual Math Genius Squad Members and Membership Site Community Group

What are teachers saying?

-Community is very helpful. Supported G3 Teacher
-Happy!! Gr1 Teacher
-Really makes me focus on student leads and starting with build it, draw it, represent with an equation Gr 1 Teacher
-Great!  Makes my job easier with jamboards already created.  The videos help me organize my lessons. G3 Teacher
-It makes me feel good knowing others are also teaching this way. G3 Teacher
-I love it!  The slides are perfect additions to teaching the lessons.  I love being able watch the videos before I teach to help give me reminders and being able to ask questions to Shannon if I have them. G1 Teacher
-I feel I have somewhere to turn when I have questions, doubts, need guidance.  Kdg Teacher
-Like I'm heading in the right direction. G2 teacher
-It is comforting to know that I have support and resources to utilize. G2 Teacher
-I feel like I truly understand why MX has designed lessons the way they have. G4 Teacher
-Much less frazzled and much more prepared. G3 Teacher
-Love the community G1 Teacher
-I feel like there is a "place" to go look for answers or help. I feel more prepared for my RtI groups. - SpEd/Intv. Teacher
-Supported - TOSA
-Prepared Kdg Teacher
-Loaded with ideas and expertise Kdg Teacher
-I feel like I have grown so much as a math teacher this year thanks to the squad! I use the videos, resources and slides. I feel like I have a deeper understanding of the content and feel like my students are more successful!  G2 Teacher
-I love being in the squad. It helps build my confidence in teaching some of the lessons and concepts. G3
-Better equipped! G2 Teacher
-It feels relief to have ideas available to help with the curriculum. G4 Teacher
-It's nice to have support when I need it.  G2 Teacher
-Relieved that I have plans, access to many tools, and a source for guidance/feedback. G 3 Teacher
-It feels like a relief because it takes one less thing off my plate in planning! G2 Teacher
-Empowered to teach math! Kdg Teacher
-I love it. I really like the quick overview of lessons and the student slides are amazing! G4 Teacher
-More prepared to teach my lessons.  Kdg Teacher
-It is the support that I need when I'm ready to throw in the towel G4 Teacher
-I feel prepared to provide my students with an engaging math experience.  G5 Teacher
-Happy and more excited to teach math! Kdg Teacher
-I am confident that I can find answers to help my students succeed.  Kdg Teacher
-Feels good, itā€™s nice to know you are not alone G3 Teacher
- I really enjoy knowing that I have the things that I need to provide quality instruction - LOVE the videos! G4 Teacher
-Confident in the math curriculum.  G2 Teacher
-More confident, the ability to differentiate and meet many learners need G4
-I feel that it helps me understand the take aways from units and lessons better than I have. Kdg Teacher
-More at ease with teaching math G5 Teacher
-Equipped!  G1 Teacher

-Gives me more relatable content that is user friendly vs. looking through the pages in the manual for hours. It reminds me of the important parts of the lesson
- It has given me focus. My students can now identify story problems that are add to, take away, or break apart.
- I use the jamboards and google slides with every lesson. My kids are more engaged as they work on their whiteboards while I work on the jamboard.
- It has impacted the way I teach Math Expressions.
- It has helped us as a team collaborate on new ideas on how to teach. Using inquiry to start off lessons. It has also helped us with small group ideas. I loved the book clubs from last summer and have implemented many of the ideas like collection bags into my routines.
- My students are much engaged, both my students and I feel more confident in math, math is FUN and honestly it never was before!
- I have a better understanding of the curriculum, itā€™s scope and sequence, and ways to help students develop an understanding of its content.
-It has helped me think about my delivery differently. For example, I use to have students solve the problem in one way really quick and move on. Now we try solving the same problem in multiple ways.
- It has helped me understand what the end goal of the chapters are. We just started chapter seven and I watched the video to gain a better understanding of what my role was to help students with fractions. It also helps me understand where they start when talked about what they should know from first grade.
- Being in Math Genius Squad has given me access to a deeper understanding of the math concepts I am teaching. Shannon's guidance has helped me, quite a few times, to think, "Aha! Now I know why we do it that way," or "Wow, that is such a better way to teach that than I was thinking about!"
- A lot! I love the slides to kick off lessons, keep things open ended/inquiry based, and hold me accountable (avoid skipping quick practice!). I love the ā€œsprinklesā€ so I can work with small groups as needed on targeted remediation and differentiated topics.
-The slides help my lessons go more smoothly. The videos helped when I needed to know how to teach a skill or explain something differently.
- My students are more hands on than ever before!
Type something

- Students are engaged with slides and love the jamboards
-.Before students would just plug in numbers to solve problems. Now they think about what the problem is asking.
-"I feel my class is more engaged.  I feel confident when teaching a lesson, knowing what possible questions/ problems students may have.  I feel the students know the material better and have a greater understanding of the concepts.   I use chants and songs all the time.  Kids who are in older grades still remember them!"
-I believe my students are more capable this year now that they use what I've taught.
-They have become more of a mathematician.  Instead of me just talking and telling them how to do something.  They have become students who try to figure things out and teach each other and talk about they have done more.
-My students are engaged in math, confident, and my test scores have increased a ton this year.
-Students are more immersed in the program.  I have seen clear examples of how to implement daily routines and practice so Iā€™m doing them correctly and kids are too.  I see the reasoning behind lessons that seemed random and out of place so I take the time to think about incorporating them in my plans.  
-I think, honestly, the squad has freed me up as a teacher to not be overwhelmed with planning and prepping, that I find more joy in teaching!  And having a joyful teacher is good for everyone :) Students have enjoyed the activities, especially the newer ones you provided through the squad this year.
- Iā€™m very happy with their progress in math, and I anticipated many more gaps and struggles. I think the squad is a big part of that success!
-The front-loading of skills on the slides has helped the students understand the concepts quickly.
-My students have become proficient at proving their thinking using sentence stems. They also use multiple tools to show their work
-Students' problem solving has improved greatly. They are able to analyze the parts of a problem to model the situation and solve.
-I notice they are more engaged in the lessons.
-I am hoping the kids are getting better with math talk and finding solutions themselves.  They seem more fluent this year in teen numbers for sure.
-My students are using more math talk and are doing more of the leading and teaching than me. They are taking accountability for their learning and showing a deeper level of understanding.
- I do believe that my studentsā€™ learning has improved as a result of my membership and improved teaching. They have a deeper understanding of the skills, not just the ability to ā€œdo the math.ā€
-Using the latest updated Daily Routine and Quick Practice slides has been awesome to help student math leaders shine in front of the class each day.
-I have many students that are scoring 100% on the unit tests, I have students falling in love with math, and students not wanting to go to lunch so we can finish a math problem or coming back to the class after eating instead of playing to finish a math problem, my students love being called mathematicians while explaining more than one way to solve a problem or why their answers is correct with a drawing and math vocabulary.
-Students know what to expect every day since we follow the same routines.
-My students are positively impacted as a result of my teaching being effected in a positive way.
-I think students have a better understanding visually of what a question is asking them.  They can draw models of different situations
-My students are learning how to prove and defend their work.
-My learners have developed a stronger conceptual understanding. They have the capacity to justify each answer they arrive at.
-Students are more engaged in counting to 100. They love the tiny tumblers even more (I didnā€™t think that was possible).
-This year there are more students that say math is their favorite subject than ever before!
-Students ability to understand has increased. They are able to demonstrate their learning. Students also retain the skills to recall later.
-Student learning is the focus.  Students lead my direction, not the manual.  I try to be more of a listener to gain understanding of how their mind is thinking. I use that as my starting point to guide students to a more efficient and effective method.
-Math talk and expectations have improved on my end so this has affected my students.

What is the teaching philosophy inside the squad?

Annual Membership


Subscription Membership. Auto-Renews each year.

  • Includes all Units 1-7. Get access to every unit for the year. Units and content delivered monthly. Receive access to all summer bonus trainings and book studies.
  • Includes First 10 Days of Lesson Plans Bonus Course/Activities
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 1-5
  • Includes Access to Private 2nd Grade Facebook Group for Annual Math Genius Squad Members
     and Membership Site Community Group

6 Month Summer/Fall


6- Month Membership= Does Not Aut0-Renew

  • Includes Units 1,2,3,4
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 1, 2,3,4
  • Includes access to Membership Site 2nd grade Community Group
  • Access to site for 180 days.

6 Month Winter /Spring


6- Month Membership= Does Not Aut0-Renew

  • Includes Units 4,5,6,7
  • Includes Small Group Activities for Units 4,5,6,7
  • Includes access to Membership Site 2nd grade Community Group
  • Access to site for 180 days.

Group Enrollment


  • Bulk pricing for groups of 8 or more
  • Site license options
  • Schools across a district can combine enrollments for largest bulk rate option.
  • PLC guides and implementation support available.